I am still reading Amartya Sen's Ideas of Justice (2009) - and still grappling with one chapter which seems to be the greatest hurdle so far. Reviewing the first draft, my supervisor still seem not to give the green light.
However Sen takes me to think about the situation in the home country especially facing the day tomorrow.
For those who are concerned, the philosophical justification by Sen is useful:
"Democracy has to be judged not just by the institutions that formally exist but by the extent to which different voices from diverse sections of the people can actually be heard."
"Public reasoning is clearly an essential feature of objectivity in political and ethical beliefs." (p. 44)
In Sen's Development as Freedom (1999), he points out why political freedom is important. He said:
"Political freedom ... help to promote economic security. Social opportunities ... facilitates economic participation. Economic facilities ... can help to generate personal abundance as well as public resources for social facilities. Freedom of different kinds can strengthen one another" (p.11)
Hope things get easier.